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# 来源:NumPy Beginner's Guide 2e ch4
import numpy as npfrom matplotlib.pyplot import plotfrom matplotlib.pyplot import show# 读入 BHP 的收盘价bhp = np.loadtxt('BHP.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)# 计算 BHP 的简单收益bhp_returns = np.diff(bhp) / bhp[ : -1]# 读入 VALE 的收盘价vale = np.loadtxt('VALE.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)# 计算 VALE 的简单收益vale_returns = np.diff(vale) / vale[ : -1]# 计算协方差# cov_x_y = ((x - x.mean()) * (y - y.mean())).mean()# cov 函数返回协方差矩阵# [[ var_x, cov_x_y],# [ cov_y_x, var_y]]covariance = np.cov(bhp_returns, vale_returns) print "Covariance", covariance'''Covariance [[ 0.00028179 0.00019766] [ 0.00019766 0.00030123]]'''# diagonal 获取对角线上的元素print "Covariance diagonal", covariance.diagonal()# Covariance diagonal [ 0.00028179 0.00030123]# trace 计算矩阵的迹(对角线元素和)print "Covariance trace", covariance.trace()# Covariance trace 0.00058302354992print covariance/ (bhp_returns.std() * vale_returns.std())# corrcoef 计算相关系数# rho_x_y = cov_x_y / (std_x * std_y)print "Correlation coefficient", np.corrcoef(bhp_returns, vale_returns)'''[[ 1.00173366 0.70264666][ 0.70264666 1.0708476 ]]'''# 检查两个股票是否同步# 如果差值最后一项,距离均值大于两个标准差,就认为是不同步的difference = bhp - valeavg = np.mean(difference)dev = np.std(difference)print "Out of sync", np.abs(difference[-1] - avg) > 2 * dev# Out of sync False# 绘制两个股票的收益t = np.arange(len(bhp_returns))plot(t, bhp_returns, lw=1)plot(t, vale_returns, lw=2)show()
import numpy as npimport sysfrom matplotlib.pyplot import plotfrom matplotlib.pyplot import show# 导入 BHP 和 VALE 的收盘价bhp=np.loadtxt('BHP.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)vale=np.loadtxt('VALE.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)# polyfit 用于多项式拟合# 参数为训练集x,训练集y,最高项次数# 返回方程的系数数组,高次在前t = np.arange(len(bhp))poly = np.polyfit(t, bhp - vale, int(sys.argv[1]))print "Polynomial fit", poly# 假设最高项次数为 3:# Polynomial fit [ 1.11655581e-03 -5.28581762e-02 5.80684638e-01 5.79791202e+01]# polyval 使用拟合结果来预测新的值# p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n]print "Next value", np.polyval(poly, t[-1] + 1)# Next value 57.9743076081# 返回多项式的根print "Roots", np.roots(poly)# Roots [ 35.48624287+30.62717062j 35.48624287-30.62717062j -23.63210575 +0.j ]# 多项式求导# (x ** n)' = n * x ** (n - 1)# (a * u(x) + b * v(x))' = a * u'(x) + b * v'(x)der = np.polyder(poly)print "Derivative", der# Derivative [ 0.00334967 -0.10571635 0.58068464]# 导数的根(可能)是极值print "Extremas", np.roots(der)# Extremas [ 24.47820054 7.08205278]# 拟合函数的最大值和最小值点vals = np.polyval(poly, t)print np.argmax(vals)# 7print np.argmin(vals)# 24# 绘制原始函数和拟合函数plot(t, bhp - vale)plot(t, vals)show()
import numpy as np# 读入收盘价和成交量c, v=np.loadtxt('BHP.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6, 7), unpack=True)# 获取绝对收益change = np.diff(c)print "Change", change'''Change [ 1.92 -1.08 -1.26 0.63 -1.54 -0.28 0.25 -0.6 2.15 0.69 -1.33 1.16 1.59 -0.26 -1.29 -0.13 -2.12 -3.91 1.28 -0.57 -2.07 -2.07 2.5 1.18-0.88 1.31 1.24 -0.59]'''# 计算状态signs = np.sign(change)print "Signs", signs'''Signs [ 1. -1. -1. 1. -1. -1. 1. -1. 1. 1. -1. 1. 1. -1. -1. -1. -1. -1.-1. -1. -1. 1. 1. 1. -1. 1. 1. -1.]'''# 状态也可以用 piecewise 来计算# 参数为输入数组 arr、状态数组 condlist 和结果数组 reslist# 如果满足 condlist[i],将 arr[i] 变为 reslist[i]pieces = np.piecewise(change, [change < 0, change > 0], [-1, 1])print "Pieces", piecesprint "Arrays equal?", np.array_equal(signs, pieces)# Arrays equal? True# 平衡成交量是状态乘以成交量print "On balance volume", v[1:] * signs'''[ 2620800. -2461300. -3270900. 2650200. -4667300. -5359800. 7768400. -4799100. 3448300. 4719800. -3898900. 3727700. 3379400. -2463900. -3590900. -3805000. -3271700. -5507800. 2996800. -3434800. -5008300. -7809799. 3947100. 3809700. 3098200. -3500200. 4285600. 3918800. -3632200.]'''
# 向量化就是逐元素调用函数import numpy as npimport sys# 获取开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价o, h, l, c = np.loadtxt('BHP.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(3, 4, 5, 6), unpack=True)# calc_profit 用于计算利润def calc_profit(open, high, low, close): # 以稍低于开盘价的价格买入 buy = open * float(sys.argv[1]) if low < buy < high: # 如果这个价格在当天的区间之内 # 就以收盘价卖掉 return (close - buy)/buy else: # 否则就没有收益,返回 0 return 0# 创建向量化的 calc_profit# 也可以使用装饰器 @np.vectorizefunc = np.vectorize(calc_profit)profits = func(o, h, l, c)print "Profits", profits# 获取不为零的收益real_trades = profits[profits != 0]# 打印概率和平均利润率print "Number of trades", len(real_trades), round(100.0 * len(real_trades)/len(c), 2), "%"# Number of trades 28 93.33 %print "Average profit/loss %", round(np.mean(real_trades) * 100, 2)# Average profit/loss % 0.02# 选择获利的交易,计算概率和平均利润率winning_trades = profits[profits > 0]print "Number of winning trades", len(winning_trades), round(100.0 * len(winning_trades)/len(c), 2), "%"Number of winning trades 16 53.33 %print "Average profit %", round(np.mean(winning_trades) * 100, 2)# Average profit/loss % 0.72# 选择亏损的交易,计算概率和平均利润率losing_trades = profits[profits < 0]print "Number of losing trades", len(losing_trades), round(100.0 * len(losing_trades)/len(c), 2), "%"# Number of losing trades 12 40.0 %print "Average loss %", round(np.mean(losing_trades) * 100, 2)# Average loss % -0.92
import numpy as npimport sysfrom matplotlib.pyplot import plotfrom matplotlib.pyplot import show# 读取长度 NN = int(sys.argv[1])# 使用 hanning 来生成权重weights = np.hanning(N)print "Weights", weights'''Weights [ 0. 0.1882551 0.61126047 0.95048443 0.95048443 0.61126047 0.1882551 0. ]'''# 读取 BHP 收盘价bhp = np.loadtxt('BHP.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)# 计算简单收益bhp_returns = np.diff(bhp) / bhp[ : -1]# 使用 convolve 函数来使之平滑smooth_bhp = np.convolve(weights/weights.sum(), bhp_returns)[N-1:-N+1]# 读取 VALE 收盘价vale = np.loadtxt('VALE.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)# 计算简单收益vale_returns = np.diff(vale) / vale[ : -1]# 使用 convolve 函数来使之平滑smooth_vale = np.convolve(weights/weights.sum(), vale_returns)[N-1:-N+1]# 读取最高项系数K = int(sys.argv[1])# 多项式拟合 BHP 和 VALE 的平滑收益t = np.arange(N - 1, len(bhp_returns))poly_bhp = np.polyfit(t, smooth_bhp, K)poly_vale = np.polyfit(t, smooth_vale, K)# np.polysub 用于求多项式的差poly_sub = np.polysub(poly_bhp, poly_vale)# 差值为 0 的点就是多项式的交点xpoints = np.roots(poly_sub)print "Intersection points", xpoints'''Intersection points [ 27.73321597+0.j 27.51284094+0.j 24.32064343+0.j 18.86423973+0.j 12.43797190+1.73218179j 12.43797190-1.73218179j 6.34613053+0.62519463j 6.34613053-0.62519463j]'''# 检查是否是实数值reals = np.isreal(xpoints)print "Real number?", reals# Real number? [ True True True True False False False False]# 过滤实数值,转成实数# 其实可以直接使用 xpoints[np.isreal(xpoints)].realxpoints = np.select([reals], [xpoints])xpoints = xpoints.realprint "Real intersection points", xpoints# Real intersection points [ 27.73321597 27.51284094 24.32064343 18.86423973 0. 0. 0. 0.]# trim_zeros 去除首尾的零元素print "Sans 0s", np.trim_zeros(xpoints)# Sans 0s [ 27.73321597 27.51284094 24.32064343 18.86423973]# 绘制简单收益,以及 N 天的平滑收益plot(t, bhp_returns[N-1:], lw=1.0)plot(t, smooth_bhp, lw=2.0)plot(t, vale_returns[N-1:], lw=1.0)plot(t, smooth_vale, lw=2.0)show()